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About Consilium

Consilium Academies is a multi-academy Trust working across the North of England. It has nine academy schools located in Yorkshire, the North West, and the North East. Consilium is dedicated to enriching lives and inspiring ambitions for both students and colleagues.


To report an absence, please call the Absence Line on 0161 736 1773 - Option 1, or email [email protected].
The Attendance Team are actively supporting pupils and families throughout the day. Where possible, please use the phone number and email as your first method of communication. 

Attendance is a key priority of the Academy, and we have high standards and expectations. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported us and will continue to support us in September.

As you know there is a clear correlation between achievement and attendance, and we want to work with you to ensure our young people reach their full potential. In a minority of cases, student attendance does not reach our expected high expectations.

“Twenty days off per school year means a child has about 90 per cent attendance and will probably obtain a grade lower than they are capable of”


The following interventions will be made by school if attendance falls below 98 per cent:

  • Letters, text and phone calls home
    Meetings with your child's Head of Year

If attendance fails to improve after the above intervention:

  • Home visits completed on a weekly basis
  • Meeting with HOY, Education Welfare Officer and SLT
  • Meeting with Education Welfare Officer and SLT
  • Try and offer support if attendance isn’t improving
  • Offer of The Bridge Provision or PLC
  • Fine and/or prosecution

How you can help:

  • Contact school daily to report an absence 
  • If your child has a medical appointment, please ensure they don’t have the whole day off and come into school before and after where possible
  • Communicate with the school if there are any issues at home we can support you with or that may be affecting attendance
  • Bring in medical evidence e.g. a prescription, appointment card, hospital letter. Whether the absence is authorised is dependent on their attendance record and the discretion of the Pastoral Team
  • Only take your child on holiday during the allocated school breaks (which is 13 weeks). Term-time holidays are only granted in “exceptional circumstances. Fines will be issued if holidays are taken during school time

Once attendance dips below 95 per cent, we do request medical evidence from your GP.

Your child should aim for 95 per cent or above. Once a student’s attendance dips below this no absences will be authorised, and you may be at risk of a fine if your child accumulates 10 sessions (five days) or more unauthorised absences.

As you are aware, competition for both college places and job opportunities is fierce and good grades at GCSE can provide a stepping stone for your child’s future.

We hope we can work together to ensure your child receives the very best opportunities and to do this we need positive attendance.

As always, thank you for your continued support.

Miss S O'Connor & Mr G Davies
